Monday, February 1, 2010
{ 4:43 PM }
Hello bloggers.
Now im in school and very the mendak .
haha .
English fail uqk .
Any , Nothing to do and so bored .
Now ict lesson and two teachers are in the computer lab .
Mendak kepa .
Wait .
[2 minutes later]
Urg . Naseb tak kene caugth ngan cikgu .
gaha .
Pada hal thier tolong buat kan video ada lah.
Potek nye cikgu .
Now every one tak uat apa-apa .
maen maen ada lah .
azreenie is using facebook and amalena and kinn just stepping to do the vid .
Me ? updating blog .
So called 8 more minutes to update after this going to recess .
Planed whats going to happen today .
First Go to lesson up to 2 then go out meet suci a while and then go in
for CCa . then go out back meet suci again then go buy something if enough money . wish could buy left two only wher can like that .
so that is it .
Gaha .
hopfully go home early .
At around 7pm plus .
Soo .
Now Going to be okay .
Hope tak kene spot check cause got some thing thatt is not surpose to bring .
so Chols seii me .
Brani buat ,Brani tanggong arh babe .
Macham paham lah wanie oi !
ehk cam mak minah ajerh .
Bohsia palak .
hahah .
it don't really mete Now .
That i know , i need to pay attention teacher it right beside me .
sorry cher . wait wait a few more . okay ?
[0 minutes left ]
soo .
got to go .
bye .
take care .
wanie .